Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Scruffy Moi?

Thought I better show you the company mascot looking her scruffiest as a haircut is imminent - as soon as we can get hold of the sheep shearer [only kidding]!  This is 'herself' doing what she likes best - sitting in the front yard, in lots of mucky straw, waiting to round the cows up for milking.

Pond Life!

My wildlife pond.  This totally natural approach is, of course, quite deliberate and not simply the result of a total lack of attention for the last few months!  We have a serious pond plant/overcrowding problem to tackle this weekend - all volunteers very welcome.  Husband suddenly very busy with maize planting [well there's a surprise!].

Down on the Farm

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

A Bird in the Hand

Spent Easter weekend in the garden enjoying the sunshine.  Our lovely hand-painted Bird Cups came in very handy for the Pimms!

A Vintage Life!

Hello and welcome to our blog.  This is a new adventure for us at Angel HQ so please bear with us whilst we gain our blogging credentials.  We will be sharing with you all the things that inspire us and influence our designs, our homes and our lives.  We hope you enjoy discovering them as much as we have...